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List of Projects

Name Stars Updated Summary
angleproject 71 Before this year ANGLE: Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine
aomedia 1 Before this year The open and royalty-free codec for next-generation ultra high definit...
boringssl 39 Before this year A fork of OpenSSL that is designed to meet Google’s needs
chromedriver 97 Before this year WebDriver for Google Chrome
crashpad 45 Before this year Crashpad
dawn 1 Implementation of the WebGPU standard
delte-me-test Before this year delete meee oh please just do it
ee-testers-external Before this year Test project for Earth Engine API code for external users
gerrit Before this year Gerrit Code Review
git Earlier this year Open source distributed version control system
gn Before this year A meta-build system that generates Ninja build files
google-breakpad 51 Before this year Crash reporting
gyp 50 Before this year Generate Your Projects
libyuv 19 Before this year YUV scaling and conversion functionality
linux-syscall-support 51 Before this year Directly embed Linux system calls
monkeyrail 2 Earlier this year Monkeyrail
monorail 257 Before this year The issue tracking tool for chromium-related projects
nativeclient 44 Before this year Native code for web apps
openscreen Library for the openscreen protocol
pdfium 44 Before this year PDFium
skia 34 Before this year Skia Graphics Library
v8 85 Before this year V8 JavaScript Engine
web-standards Web Standards
webm 38 Before this year An open web media project
webp 31 Before this year Repository for tools for the WebP image format
webports 42 Before this year Ports of open-source projects to the web
webrtc 77 Before this year Web-based real-time communication